The Rail Wagon Association Limited (RWA) is a trade association, incorporated as a Private Company Limited by Guarantee, representing the interests of companies involved in rail freight wagons based in the UK. This includes wagon owners, keepers, users, designers, manufacturers, hirers, ECMs, consultants, maintainers and operators.
The purpose of the RWA is to undertake the role of a professional trade body for its members by representing their interests in liaison with other industry participants, the DfT, the UIC (via UIP membership) and any other appropriate bodies.
RWA facilitates the sharing of information, the discussion of relevant engineering and safety issues and developing appropriate responses. RWA does not have any manufacturing, services, or supply chain operations.
Our Membership Community
The rail freight industry is key to the delivery of a sustainable, de-carbonised UK economy. Meeting national environmental and sustainability targets will require a greater move toward rail and enabling that to happen hinges on having the right wagon assets available to operators. Efficient wagons are critical to the success of the rail freight sector and further enhance the business case for modal switch. We believe that rail freight will play a key role in helping to decarbonise the UK economy. RWA will play a vital role in providing the expert knowledge needed to support the case.
Our principal objective is to be the professional trade body for any person or persons who operate, maintain, manage infrastructure for, supply products to, supply services to or promote rail freight wagons. We do this by dealing with government, ORR, RSSB and other industry bodies to help to develop an expert and focused approach to technical engineering issues, legislation, regulation and safety.
Our membership is open to all organisations with an interest in the operation and future development of rail freight wagons and currently includes owners, keepers, users, designers, manufacturers, hirers, ECMs, advisors and expert consultants, maintainers and freight operating companies.